

  • Synchronise with MOE syllabus and examination requirements for all levels of primary school.
  • Various type of assessment practices, help students learn vocabulary, and further enhance students reading and comprehension skills.
  • Attach time-stamping and auto marking function, assist students to understanding their learning capacity.
  • 根据新加坡教育部教学大纲、考试要求,配合小一至 小六年级学生的程度精心编写。
  • 通过各类型的单项练习,帮助学生进一步理解及掌握课文中的生字、生词,提高学生对华文的阅读、理解能力。
  • 附有自动批改、计时、评分功能,即时评估答题的正确程度,帮助学生了解自己的学习情况。
Please select the "综合练习" (Comprehensive Exercise marked in red) for free trial.